Beauty and nature
Beauty is natural
Moderator: What is beauty for you?
Sabsachi Mukherjee: A lot has been written about beauty, but I have always felt that beauty really does accept itself and emerge from your instincts.
The moment you feel comfortable with yourself, you feel beautiful. Style is when a five-foot-one-inch woman dresses flat sandals at a party, not wearing heels.
I think when you accept yourself, your confidence attracts other people towards you. Perhaps this is the real beauty.
Moderator: And what is beauty for a man?
Sabyasachi: I think that is also ease and
comfort. Look, what happens to all of us in today's world. Let me give you a small example. I do not do yoga and I also do a lot of injustice to the body due to work pressure.
I was sitting in Dhyanalinga until the bell rang. After a long time I had spent fifteen minutes with myself. I think most of us don't feel beautiful because we don't listen to ourselves.
This is the reason why we always use clothing, brands, fashion as a protective shield to feel good. We do not even know if they are having any effect on us.
On the contrary, over time he takes away our confidence from us. So I think beauty starts spontaneously, whether male or female.
There is beauty in everything in the universe
Moderator: Sadhguru, what do you think is beauty?
Sadhguru: If someone is a connoisseur of beauty, then for him every thing - be it a machine, an ant, an insect, a human being, clothes or buildings - in which there is least conflict is beautiful. From childhood, I used to pay attention to every kind of creature, spend a lot of time in it.
I found that the diversity of color, geometry and activity is very impressive with a tiny insect. If you look at any organism, you will find how beautifully nature and gradual development have transformed its form.
Not only a big thing like sunrise or sunset, but even the smallest creatures are very beautiful.
If you estimate how much an insect performs compared to its size and energy, it becomes clear that it is geometrically complete and working with minimal conflict and collision.
Everything with a good design thrills me - be it a machine, a building, or a worm, animal or human. As far as humans are concerned, everyone's face looks beautiful when they are happy and excited.
It takes some effort to keep the body beautiful. Many people are getting the size of the earth. When I was growing up, almost all of us were slim because we were physically very active.
Nowadays school children are largely obese.
Technical definition of beauty
This does not mean that a chubby person is not beautiful. You can see beauty in everything. But when we talk about beauty technically, I think it means being geometrically accurate.
When a system works with minimal conflict, its way of working is beautiful. This thing applies to everything.
For example, Dhyanalinga's dome stands out because of geometric accuracy, not because of the strength of the material in it. The same thing is with other buildings in the ashram, Adiyogi Alayam is built with beams bent in rounding.
We always want to make every building geometrically accurate so that we need less material.
Geometry has always been the focus of the development process.
Earth is on its axis because it has achieved a kind of geometric completeness.
If she goes out of her class at all, then she cannot come back. The entire universe is geometrically exhaustive.
When I look at a tree, cloud, man, woman, or anything, I first see geometry, everything else is secondary.
Any form of existence, which cannot achieve any kind of geometrical synergy, will not last long, whatever it may be. The purpose of the entire yogic system is to bring your body in harmony with cosmic geometry, so that even if you sit here for two days, there is no problem because you have understood the geometry of the body .
Moderator: It is interesting that both of you did not see beauty as a separate category in your answers.
Many people believe that useful thing and beautiful thing are different in some form. Certainly when Sabyasachi, you talk of spontaneity, you see utility as beauty.
And Sadhguru, you speak of utility in a more fundamental way. Can inefficiency, ineptitude be beautiful? I am thinking of something like a flower, which has no utility for anyone except the plant.
But she is exceptionally beautiful for the beholder - because she has synergy and geometry. Are you saying that
Sadhguru: A flower is such a delicate thing, but it keeps feeding until its purpose is fulfilled.
It is so fragile and weak, that it is not possible for him to remain without geometric synergy. In fact everything in nature is in geometric synergy, because natural forces are geometrically accurate