How to stop hackers on Facebook platforms.
How to stop hackers on Facebook platforms.
Ian Corzine: Did you guys hear about thatmassive hack last week? 81,000 platfrom like Facebook users accounts were brokeninto and their private messages were sold on the open market for 10 cents apiece. I'm only a YouTube lawyer but I do believethat's a violation of our rights. Don't let this happen to you.
In this Heart of the Matter episode, I willteach you how to stop the bad guys from hacking your Facebook account. Ian Corzine: Hi, everybody.
hackers on Facebook platforms. |
I'm attorney Ian Corzine and this is the Teartof the Matter.hit the Like button, subscribe and stay around until the end when I have somethingspecial for you. All right, let's turn to the subject matterof today's video.
Has your Facebook account ever been hacked? If not, good, let's keep it that way. In this video, we'll discuss how to stop hackersfrom compromising your personal information on Facebook, but first, let's talk about whypeople hack Facebook.
Ian Corzine: There are three main reasonswhy people hack Facebook.
Social media |
The first main reason is jealousy. Let's say you have an ex boyfriend that doesn'tlike that you broke up and wants to see who you're dating now.
Two is anger. Let's say that ex boyfriend really is madat you and wants to destroy your relationships with others, and three is thievery. You have people hacking Facebook to get intoyour account, get some personal information like your date of birth, the city you wereborn in, your mother's maiden name, and use that information to access your credit.
Ian Corzine: Now we know why hackers hackbut how do you even know that your Facebook account has been hacked?
There are two main ways to know that you'vebeen hacked. The first way you know you've been hackedis when your friends report to you that they're getting random messages on Facebook from youwith links and weird photos. You can verify whether or not an unauthorizedperson has logged into your account like going to your Facebook page and hitting the Homebutton, and then go over to the down arrow on the right side.
Click on Settings, go to your left and hitSecurity and Login, and then look under the heading where it says where you're loggedin.
If that shows that you're logged in at a placeyou're not, then you know you've been hacked. Ian Corzine: The second way you know you'vebeen hacked is if your Facebook password doesn't work, despite the fact that you haven't changedit.
What do you do? Immediately attempt to change your password. Go to the Login screen on Facebook.
Click Forgot your Password. Attempt to change your password so that thehacker can't get in.
Regardless of whether or not you can log inor you can't log into Facebook, you've got to report the potential hack to Facebook. You can do that by going here. I'll put the URL link in the description sectionbelow.
Ian Corzine: Assuming your Facebook not been hacked, you want to keep it that way. Here's how you prevent the bad people fromhacking your Facebook account. Step number one, change your password.
Almost 90% of all Facebook hacks are the resultof simple passwords that hackers can guess.
They can use personal information from theweb to be able to figure out what that password is or use special programs to be able to uncoveryour password, and you need a strong password.
I use It's a great password manager. I have all my passwords in there and it hasa password generator that creates very secure passwords that I can use for my Facebook account,but if you need a strong password generator for free, you can use passwordgenerators.netor
I'll put links to these free sites in thedescription section below. Ian Corzine: To change your Facebook password,go back to the Settings, go to Security and Login on the left and then go to the headingthat says Login.
Click Edit and then enter in your currentand new passwords to be safe. I recommend you change your Facebook passwordevery two months, at the same time you change your bedsheets. Ian Corzine: Step number two, choose Facebookfriends that you can trust and you can contact in case you're locked out of your Facebookaccount.
One of the best ways to prevent a massiveFacebook hack is to select trusted Facebook friends that you can contact and can helpyou when you're locked out of your account. How it works is your Facebook friends willsend you a special recovery code and a URL that you can click on and then you could reaccess the Facebook account. Ian Corzine: How do you select your trustedFacebook friends?
Well that, I can't help you with but if youneed Facebook friends for login purposes, here's how you do it. Go back to your Settings, then it's Securityand Login on the left side. The first heading is Choose Friends to Contact,you click Edit, choose Trusted Contacts. Then you enter in your trusted Facebook friends'names.
What's great is you enter in the first fewletters of your friends' names, it auto populates, you select your three friends and then you'redone.
Ian Corzine: When you have a problem logginginto Facebook, you can contact these trusted friends and they will help you.
They will give you a code that will help youre access Facebook. The only problem with this feature is thatyou're forever locked into liking your trusted Facebook friends' family photos. Ian Corzine: Has your Facebook account everbeen hacked? If so, write hacked in the Comments sectionbelow, and if you have a few moments, tell us about the situation.
I would love to hear about it and then beable to broadcast it to our community so they can learn from your experience. Ian Corzine: Let's move on to the next step,step number three, two factor authentication.
I know two factor authentication can sometimesbe a pain in the butt, but it is a really effective way of stopping hacks to your Facebookaccount. If you're not familiar with two factor authentication,it works like this.
If you're trying to log into your accounton an unfamiliar web browser or device, Facebook requires that you enter in a special code,which they send via text or email and your password to access your account.
Ian Corzine: Two factor authentication preventshackers from hacking your Facebook account because they need not only to know your password,but they got to have the cellphone or the email account to be able to get that codeto use to access your account. Hopefully, they don't have both your cellphoneand your passwords. To start two factor authentication, you goback to the Security and Login heading on the left hand side. Then you scroll down to the Two Factor Authenticationheading.
Click on Edit. Click Get Started. Click Next. I think cellphone authentication is way easierthan going with the app route, and then you just enter in your cellphone number.
Ian Corzine: Remember, with two factor authentication,you don't have to enter in the special code every time you log into Facebook. It only is applicable when you're trying tolog into your account from an unknown web browser or device.
It's not a big deal, right? If you have this feature set up, you get anemail or a text every time there is a successful login to your Facebook account from an unfamiliardevice or web browser. Ian Corzine: To be clear, the difference betweentwo factor authentication and login alerts is that with two factor authentication, itactually prevents hackers from getting into your account, whereas login alerts, it letsyou know when someone actually got into your account from an unfamiliar device or web browser.
Ian Corzine: What's awesome about login alertsis it also covers Facebook Messenger, which is kind of like the new frontier for hacking. Hackers get into your Messenger account, andthen message all your friends random links or random photos and you want to stop thatand that's how you do it with login alerts.
Ian Corzine: Here's how, go to Security andLogin on the left hand side. Scroll down to Setting up Extra Security,look down to Get Alerts About Unrecognized Logins. Click Edit. Click the circle for Get Notifications onFacebook and Messenger.
Click the circle for your email account andyou can add yourself on there too. Ian Corzine: All right, your Facebook accountis darn secure right now but we're not done yet. Let's get it like Fort Knox. The reason we know so little is that no visitorsare allowed and no exceptions are made.
That's because the U.S. Mint has declaredthe depository a classified facility. Ian Corzine: Step number five, delete unusedFacebook apps. Another sneaky way for Facebook hackers toget into your account is through these apps.
You probably know what I'm talking about. You're going to a third party website andit says please enter in your username and password or would you like to use Facebookcredentials for your username, password, and you're like, yeah, of course.
I'm too busy or too tired to come up witha username or a unique password so I'm going to use Facebook's password. Well, when you do that, it creates an appon the Facebook site and hackers can get in to your Facebook account through these apps,especially the ones that are expired and not used anymore.
What do you do? Well, you get rid of these old expired unusedFacebook apps. Ian Corzine: Here's how, just follow the stepswe talked about previously and get to the Settings part of your Facebook page. Look to the left hand column, scan down toApps and Websites.
There you see your active Facebook apps andwebsites. Now click on Expired.
A lot of us will see a whole bunch of expiredapps that we're not using. I think I have like 80 here. Let's take the garbage out.
Put a check mark next to each app that you'renot using, then click Remove, and then you're done.
These apps are gone and these Facebook hackerscan't get into your account. Ian Corzine: Now you know how to stop thebad people from hacking your Facebook account, and as you heard that story about the 81,000people whose accounts were hacked and their private messages were sold. It's a serious thing.
Imagine if your son or daughter were adverselyaffected by a Facebook hack. It could be disastrous, so I encourage youto share with your family and friends this video so that they can equip themselves andprevent their accounts from being hacked, and if you would, tell me in the Commentssection below who you're going to share this video with. Ian Corzine:
Now it's time for that specialthing I talked about at the beginning of the video. In the Description section, you'll find alink to my free checklist on Stop Facebook Hacking Fast and Easy. Click on that link, and you're going to getthis checklist that you can go through and make sure you follow every step so that yourFacebook account is secure.
For more in depth discussion on the subjectswe talked about in Heart of the Matter, I encourage you to join our Facebook group. You can find a link in the Description sectionbelow.
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