
 Beauty is very important in this life

 The desire to look beautiful is a lesson.  It is said that what happens with the beauty of the body, the mind should be beautiful while this argument does not seem completely correct.  

The first step to the beauty of the mind is the beauty of the body.  Come learn what yoga can help you in this.

 Most people are engaged in making the face beautiful and their remedy is nothing but lip-granddaughter from above, it is futile to expect permanent or effortless beauty.  

Don't just look at the face.

 What to do then:

 Pranayam: Make a mess of breathing and exhaling.  One that shakes your body and mind.  Then scream, shout, dance, sing, cry, jump, laugh or go completely crazy. 

 Meditate for only 10 minutes and then 10 minutes.  It is a laxative process, so that whatever is repressed gets out.  

This keeps the body fit by reducing unnecessary fat, and the exit of all the contaminated air and disorders within, increases the radiance of the face and body.

 Massage: This makes the muscles strong.  Vision is sharp.  I feel happy.  Power is generated in the body, the character of the body becomes like gold.  Massage runs smoothly through the massage. 

 When clean blood starts running in the arteries, it makes the body radiant.  It also relieves stress, depression.  Then massage the entire body in a manner of friction, punishment, pat, vibration and joint transmission.

 Body love: Have you ever loved your own body?  If not, do it.  Look at him and really respect him.  Try to save him from all kinds of sufferings. 

 He is particularly affected by the sufferings of the mind.  It is said in yoga that pain arises from affliction, the body becomes sick due to sorrow.  Health and beauty are destroyed by sickness.
