Gourmet people are so naughty that they make friends with children just to eat their chocolate and ice cream. There is nothing in the minds of such people of peace, love and affection.
Because whatever is kept is kept in the refrigerator. One of such people is a friend of ours. I once said in a state of great conscience that I have spent 50% of my entire life's earnings on fast food and local food and have wasted the rest.
We asked, "Who did he put it on?"
So he would make a face and say, to his wife.
Tired of the rotation of life, he once said, "O life, we must eat at Nacha, but it is open." He has an incident of a friend, once taking Zinger Burger home, lost on the way.
He was so emotional, he put up huge disappearance notice banners from the fast food shop to his home.
As a child, when a friend threw our bags, we would shout, "Na sitin !!, Vich Islamiyat di Kitab e," he used to shout at that time, "Na sitin vich tiffin e".
This friend is no less than a great sage, as one sage once said, there are about a hundred languages in the world, but the language of a smile has the same meaning in every language.
So our old friend said in a private meeting, every province, every country has its own language.
But in any region, country, city, city in the world, there is only one common language of hunger. And that should be the universal language.
By the way, at the end of the same ceremony, he was saying that iron cuts iron and diamond cuts diamond, so much so that a dog bit him from behind.
They have another wise saying, they say, by the way people say love is the best feeling in this world. But if the stomach is upset and the bathroom is found empty at the right time, there can be no better feeling.
By the way, girls like Edhi's ambulance look like girls in white dress, red dupatta and red lipstick. But he also had a love affair in his youth, and for this he also made great sacrifices.
The reward of the sacrifices was given to him by his girlfriend by inviting him home. She said, "Today I confess your love, and a faint smile So today you have the freedom to do all kinds of work, our friend came and saw Na Tao and put everything related to food from his fridge in a bag and walked home thanking him. Big.
We asked them, have you ever played a dangerous game in your life? So, sir, I once swore not to eat for two hours in a row. He has two goals in life, one is to eat and the other is to eat.
By the way, it is well known that a buffalo goes into the water, and a woman does not return to the shopping mall in a hurry. This should be further increased. Impossible.