How to avoid corona.

About Bangladesh 

Since the corona virus is endemic in many parts of the world, the biggest question on people's minds is: how to protect yourself from infection.

 Scientists are also thinking about this question and doing various experiments to find the answer.

 The problem is, the picture of Corona virus infection is still unclear.  And scientific explanation is still in its infancy.

 But even after that, the lockdown is being lifted due to the need for livelihood.  There is so much pressure from the business community behind this.  

Similarly, a section of the general public has begun to wonder whether such strict restrictions are needed.

 So what will be the key security conditions after the lockdown?

 The most obvious condition: protection from a safe distance

 A 1930s study found that when a person coughs, his cough molecules either disappear into the air or fall to the ground at a distance of one meter.

 Some countries have been instructed to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters.  But in some countries, including the UK, people have been advised to keep a distance of two meters.

 The sole purpose of these points is: the farther you stay away from people, the safer you will be.


 "It's not true that you have to use expensive masks or surgical masks for this," says the pathologist.  AM Zakir Hussain, "You can make several cloth masks at home. And you can wash, dry and use them again and again."

 However, keeping a safe distance from the corona virus is not the only key.

 The second condition of security is time.  How long have you been around someone infected with the corona virus?

 According to British government estimates, the risk of an infected person staying within six meters to one meter is the same as the risk of staying two meters away from an infected person for one minute.

 Where distance is difficult to maintain, such as with a colleague in the office, the goal is to reach a maximum of 15 minutes.

 Many experts believe that after the lockdown, public transport will be a major threat to the citizens of Bangladesh.


 Doctors say the corona virus epidemic is changing people's lifestyles.  نذرالاسلام۔  It is also creating some new opportunities.


 Will I get on the plane or not?

 Experts say the biggest challenge after the lockdown will be safe aviation.

 Half the seats must be left vacant to maintain a safe distance inside the aircraft.  Which of course.  Made the video a thrill overnight.

 On the other hand, boarding a plane means being stuck in a cabin with other passengers for more than 15 minutes.

 Considering both, the risk of infection in air travel will be much higher.

 But the good news is that the ventilator used in the aircraft's air conditioning system is modern.  Its 'filtration system' can prevent many infections.

 Where is the danger inside the office?

 It will be very difficult to maintain a safe distance between offices, courts and factories.

 Researcher at the University of Leicester, England.  Julian Tang invented a simple breathing test.  This will allow you to find out if you have been in close contact with humans, which can lead to coronavirus infection.


 That's why experts avoid talking face to face with colleagues.

 The main reason for the advice to protect against the corona virus is that sneezing or coughing droplets or particles will enter someone else's body through the nose, mouth or eyes.

 The other side of it is that germs attached to an object will infect another through the touch of one hand.

 That is why it is recommended to wash your hands frequently.

 Experts are looking beyond precautionary measures against the corona virus epidemic.  This is to increase the body's resistance to disease.
