Chicken noodle soup song 😀

 -They love you.We love you. Welcome back. Congrats. July 4th.I'm excited about the premiere. -Yeah. -It's good to hangwith you guys. -Good to be back. -I'm happy you are back. And Sadie,I've never met you. -Yeah, it's my first time here.-Nice to meet you. -Yeah, nice to meet you. 

[ Cheers and applause ] -Let's talk aboutthe new season, and things thatwe can tell people that isn'tspoiling anything. I know a lot of it was shotin a mall. -Yeah.-Yeah. Was it a real mall?-It was a real mall, actually. -It was?-It was, yeah. It was, like, this mall ---A working mall? -It was, actually.-Technically. -

It is, still, actually.-Technically. -Technically. -It was a little haunted.-A little bit. -Every time we'd be in there,it'd be fine. And then, we'd all just kind oflook at each other, and be like, "Something wrongwith this mall." [ Laughter ] And it kind of helped.-Yeah. -Yeah. -The thing is,it's still operational. Even though they, like, bought,like, a piece of the mall, and, like,they redid it totally... 

It's incredible.-Like, a whole -- It looks gorgeous.It's amazing. I think peoplestill go there, now. -Yeah.

-And just, like, look around. But, like ---Well, how much fun is that, to be in an empty mall?-It's so cool. But it's not even empty.-So fun. -Like, a bunch of people areshopping as we're filming. 

in the mall, people are shoppingas we're filming. [ Indistinct talking ] -And, like,I see people just like... [ Laughter ] ...looking in.Like... Serious, like,spoilers happening. Like, major plot points. -Don't tweet this!Don't tweet this! -But, like,serious plot points. They're just looking.They're like, "Huh." -'Cause it's, like,an active -- sometimes, our trailersare in active parking lots. 

And so, someone will justdrive in and be like, "Is this the Keith Urbanconcert?" [ Laughter ] And they'lljust be like -- And they'll justbe like, "No. This is a working set." And they're like,"Alright." And they roll up --They don't even care. -

[ Speaks indistinctly ]-Yeah, I guess. -But I heard that you -- you would actually goup and down the escalators... slides. -Yeah.-That was my idea. -That was your idea?-Bad idea. -Oh, it was a bad idea?-Great, good i-- bad, good idea, whatever.-It was a great idea. -Well, like, the ADs and stuffthat were in charge of us, they would sayit was a bad idea. 

The space in between...-The escalator. -Yes.-Yeah. He started sliding down it.Then, we all did. And then, the production teamhated us for it. -Yeah.-But, no, went went against -- -I moved thebarrier cones -Yeah.-

They put cones, but then,we moved the cones. [ Indistinct talking ] -It was a giant slide. 'Causeusually, they have, like... -Little things stopping you.-...the little thingsstopping you. They didn't have that.-No, they didn't. But then, at the end,they did. -And it was, like, greasy.-Yeah. It was.-But what was cool is that, we kept doing it.They told us to stop. So, we stopped for, like,a couple weeks. And then, we starteddoing it again, 'cause... 

I didn't stop.-You didn't stop. -I kept going.-He never stopped, no. [ Indistinct talking ] -I forget who it waswho suggested it, but, like, everyone's like,"No. Stop." 

And then, all of a sudden,they're like, "Hey. Slide down thatfor the shot." -It was Maya.It was Maya. -Well, I mean,Maya suggested it, but, like, everyone was,like, super down with it except for the ADs.-Oh, of course. -The ADs were like,"Do not slide down that.It's dangerous." 

I distinctlyremember Caleb -- someone going, "Caleb,please do not slide down it." And him just going... -Oh, wow. -While giving thisstraight face, he's like... -They hated you for that. [ Laughter ] -And then,I just slide down. -It seems like you guys,like, bonded so much on all these seasons. I mean,it's kind of fun, because it's, like,really, I could feel -- -

Specifically over disobeying.-Yeah. Exactly. Of course. Yeah. Did you - You came in last season,but do you feel like you're part ofthe family now? -Yeah.I feel like I am. I think I fit in okay,I guess. -You definitely are. I mean,I know you guys get together, and just joking backstage,we were all just -- there's always, like,10 bits going on. Someone's doing a bit,and then, someone's laughing at some other bit. 

And then,someone's singing a song. What is this songthat you invented? Caleb, you.-Oh. Another invention of mine. [ Indistinct talking ] -Do you think youinvented sliding? [ Laughter ] -Yes. He invented sliding. -

Technically, on our set,you invented sliding. -On our set.-Okay. -On our set.-Yeah. -What's the song? -"Chicken Noodle Soup." It's a song that I madeto annoy Gaten and Sadie. -It works.-It definitely works. [ Indistinct talking ] 

And then, you started barking,and annoying us. -They didn't like it,but then, they joined in. -Then, we joined in.-Yeah. -Do you want to hear it? -I would like to.What does it sound like? What is the nameof the song? 

-"Chicken Noodle Soup."-"Chicken Noodle Soup." -And it's annoying?-Oh, God. -Yeah. It was just a songto annoy them. You guys ready?-Ready. -Ready?One, two... -Three.-♪ Chicken noodle soup ♪ ♪ I feel goodwhen you're around ♪ -Oh, God.-♪ Chicken noodle soup ♪ -That's on key, Roots.-♪ ...when I'm down ♪ ♪ Chicken noodle soup ♪ ♪ I feel goodwhen you're around ♪ ♪ Chicken noodle soup ♪ ♪ [Indistinct] ♪ ♪ When I'm down ♪ [ Cheers and applause ] -That's just a beautiful...-I know. -

That's just a beautiful,beautiful song. [ Indistinct talking ] -I feel like I'm ata Keith Urban concert. -No, no,that's one parking lot down. How would you explainthe new season? Again, I'm just soexcited about that. Netflix, by the way,did not sneak me any episodes, which, normally, I get...-Which is so rude. -Right?I mean, Netflix, I can keep a secretbetter than anyone. -Uh... [ Indistinct talking ] [ Laughter ] -By the way, Millie,how's your toe? -Oh, my Go--[ Laughs ] -What? -Last time I was here,Jimmy stepped on my toe, trying to sabotage me. -No, I did not. I did not.-Yeah, you did. Don't deny it. -
[Indistinct]...choreographeda dance. -On the plane after,I was, like, icing. No.-No, I stepped back, and I'm like, "Ooh."And then, I was like -- -And then, I, like,looked at you, and I was like... I still engagedwith the Roots. I was like,"Guys, bring it back up for me." -Yeah, yeah.-And all of a sudden, boom, my toe, like... -But it'srecovering now? -Yeah, it's recovering.It's slowly recovering. We'll see. 

-Without giving away spoilers,can we sum up, maybe, the new seasonin one word? I thought youcould do that, and that wouldn'tgive anything away. And we could start with Finn,and go all the way down. Can you sum up the new seasonin one word? -Classic.

 Does that make sense?-Yeah. -Caleb? -Um, you know, gory, prob--yeah, gory. -Sadie? -Fun. -That's wildly differentfrom Caleb's answer. Gory and fun. -Finn is doing morethan one word. -Uh... spreading. -What?-What? -Spreading?-Spreading. -Spreading?-Spreading. -It makes sense -- It makessense once you see it. -You guys knowwhat it means. -No.-Yes, you do. 

-It makes senseonce you see it. -I have no cluewhat you're talking about. -Okay, alright,spreading. -Sad. -Oh. -Wow! Wow!What a reaction "sad" got! It's so sad.-I said "gory." That's pretty sad, guys.-Yeah. "Classic" -- "Classic"and "gory" are off the table. But "sad" --now, you've got me. [ Laughter ] -Bigger. -Oh. [ Indistinct talking ]